Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back pain and a close call on the trail

My lower back has been a little painful. This happens to me when I bike a lot and don't also exercise my abs. I first experienced muscle imbalances back in the day when I did more weight lifting. Dead lifts really strengthened my back and shoulders, but they also caused terrible lower back pain. Lysa introduced me to an abdominal workout video. Ok, I confess: I worked out to Abs of Steel with Tamilee Webb. I even memorized the routines! Now, when I feel tightness in my lower back, I just do my abs routine, and all is well - voilà.

Another source of back pain comes from a poorly adjusted bike. When I first got my road bike, I spent a week adjusting the seat tilt and height to where it was comfortable - Too high and my lower back would hurt, too low and my knees would tire (and I couldn't get much power out of each stroke).

I had a close call on the trail today. Two children were on the trail with their mom. The kids were riding scooters. There was a strong head wind which blew my voice back at me. Even had the kids heard me call out "on your left," I don't think it would have made much difference. As I approached from behind, I slowed down to pass on the left. I had passed the mom and one of the children, but just as I was passing the little boy, he swerved toward me on his scooter. I slammed on the brakes. He was suddenly aware of me on his left, and he too stopped. All of this was just in time, and we avoided a collision. Whew! My heart was pounding for the next 10 minutes!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, close call indeed! Yikes! You could probably do without that kind of excitement first thing in the morning!
